Thursday 20 November 2008


Today I dedicated my time to editing and piecing together the footage that I already have.

It gave me a chance to see if the shots I have taken work with the song. And after roughly piecing the footage together, I saw that the music worked well with the shots taken.

The opening shot will be zooming out of a sun and then a worms eye view of trees going by. This will establish the isolated outdoor setting. It will quickly cut to a close-up of Jermaine followed by a close-up of Carmen. This will establish all the main characters at the beginning and give the viewer a hint of what the video may be about.

I am currently working on adding transitions to get the action synchronous to the music.

Friday 14 November 2008


Today I filmed the male actor, Jermaine.

Unfortunately I did not have a lot of time as he showed up late, and therefore I had to rush some of my shots. As I was shooting outside, I was worried that it might rain, but thankfully it didn't so I was able to use the tracking equipment so get various different walking shots of Jermaine.
I will however still need to film the chase scene with Carmen, and she is busy herself at the moment, I will be arranging in the coming week.

Thursday 13 November 2008


The Music video is split into three different sequences.

The first sequence consists of Carmen walking into school for a dance rehearsal. She does not notice anything around her and acts as if she is in her own world. While she is walking inside the gates, Jermain is standing outside but she does not notice him.

The second sequence in the drama hall, involves Carmen dancing alone and all of a sudden gets distracted by someone sitting in the seat. As she runs up to the seat, Jermaine is gone. She then sees him walking out of the hall and runs after him.

The chase sequence takes place as she runs after him and ends up in an isolated forest-like area. Several point of view shots will take place as she looks up at the tall trees. She sees Jermaine standing at the tree, so Carmen runs to the tree but only to discover he may be a figure of imagination controlling her and telling her what to do.

I will be filming Jermaine tomorrow in the chase sequence, as he leans onto trees and walks around. Close-ups will be used in order to disguise his identity. I will need to make sure that my framing is right and that all shots in my shot-list are completed so that I am able to keep on track.

Monday 10 November 2008


I uploaded my footage of the dance sequence and realised my framing in a couple of shots is not good. I also noticed my tracking shots are not as steady as I wanted them to be. I may have to re-shoot a few shots but it will be difficult due to the lessons and rehearsals in the drama hall.

I also spoke to my male actor today to see if he was free any time soon, so that I could shoot my outdoor sequence. However he told me he is unable to commit to this project as he has other responsibilities. I have already shot a lot of footage of him already, but the main sequence was yet to be done and it was vital that he was apart of that as well.

I had no option but to cast another male actor. I spoke to a friend called Jermaine who was willing to act for me. I gave him the outline of the video and also showed him the song and existing video so he knew exactly what concept I was trying to capture. Clothing is very important as my actors have to be dressed in the right way in order to portray the personalities of the characters.

Since my last male actor's clothing was not that appropriate, this gave me a chance to re-shoot scenes with Jermaine and appropriate clothing consisting of a suit, tie, hat and black shoes.

I will speak to Carmen about shooting the outdoor sequence and some of the dance sequence again.

Friday 7 November 2008


I did a significant amount of my filming today in the drama hall.

My female actor Carmen is also a professional dancer, so I filmed a dance sequence in a majority of different angles.

My teacher talked to the drama technician, who sorted out a spotlight for me.
First of all I took an establishing shot of the empty drama hall, and will create this to be a point of view shot coming from Carmen. I used the tracks to create a shot that follows her through the hall. I did find it a little difficult to use the crane, but in the end I got a long distance crane shot of her dancing and will intertwine that will several close-ups and mid-shots.

Wednesday 5 November 2008


I have spoken to my female actor today about filming some of her scenes tomorrow.

It is important that her clothing is right to depict her character, who sees herself as an individual and in esentially in her own world. So she will be bringing in a dress and high heels for the outdoor shots. This will emphasise her sexual appeal, and that she is an untouchable character, who has an affect upon the opposite sex.

As the main focus of the filming tomorrow is the dance sequence in the drama hall, she will be bringing in a leotard, black tights and red ballet shoes to dance in.

I wanted to use a spotlight so that the dancing looks more artistic and highlighting the idea of fantasy. One of my teachers may be able to arrange a spotlight with the drama technician.

I will be doing the female actor's make-up and hair and I will come in early to organise the layout of the drama hall.

I am very much prepared to film as I have created a storyboard and shot list. However in terms of time-management I do not believe I will get everything filmed to tomorrow. I do not want to rush my filming and want to get as many angels as possible, so I will take my time and hopefully organise another date if any filming is left over.

The weather may be an issue as it might rain, so in terms of the outdoor filming it may not be possible to film if it does. This is because I have already filmed the motif and symbolism shots of the leaves and the lighting will not be the same if it rains too heavily. I believe that I am on track and will hopefully be able to produce some good footage tomorrow.

Monday 3 November 2008


Before the half-term, I started filming some scenes and shooting one of my actors. It was successful as I got a variety of different camera angles.

The main focus was to get several shots of the background scenery e.g. trees blowing and leaves falling. The background is important as it reflects the character's mood, so I used a worms eye view of the camera looking up towards the trees. I am trying to create as much movement as possible, so that the video is appealing to my target audience.

I did face a few difficulties with clothing as the male actor was supposed to wear a hat to cover his face but he did not bring one in. There was also an issue with the clothing, as I had thought of something more formal. I did however shoot many Close-ups, so I might be able to get away with the clothing issue for now.

I have organised another date to shoot the female character and since all filming will be taking place within the school grounds, there will not an issue of getting permission beforehand.

My teachers are aware of my shooting schedule, and know when I will require equipment such as the tracks and crane.